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Arredo Negozi S.r.l. p.iva 01402090888 Copyright © 2016 DAFA System. Tutti i diritti riservati.
I cookie necessari aiutano a rendere un sito Web utilizzabile abilitando funzioni di base come la navigazione della pagina e l'accesso alle aree protette del sito web. Il sito Web non può funzionare correttamente senza questi cookie.
Nome | Provider | Cosa fa | Scadenza | Permettere(Seleziona tutti) |
Shopping cart | PrestaShop | This provides, and keeps the products inside your shopping cart. Deactivating this cookie would stop permitting the orders. This cookie doesn't save any personal Data about any shop client.This provides, and keeps the products inside your shopping cart. Deactivating this cookie would stop permitting the orders. This cookie doesn't save any personal Data about any shop client. | 30 days |
I cookie di preferenza consentono a un sito Web di ricordare le informazioni che modificano il modo in cui il sito web si comporta o sembra, come la tua lingua preferita o la regione in cui ti trovi.
Nome | Provider | Cosa fa | Scadenza | Permettere(Seleziona tutti) |
Language Selector | PrestaShop | Cookie we use to offer you the possibility to switch the language of our contents. If cookie is disabled you'll see the site in the original language.Cookie we use to offer you the possibility to switch the language of our contents. If cookie is disabled you'll see the site in the original language. | 30 days | |
Currency Selection | PrestaShop | Cookie which makes possible to choose the currency you would like. If disabled the store default currency will be shown.Cookie which makes possible to choose the currency you would like. If disabled the store default currency will be shown. | 30 days |